Wednesday, 30 March 2011

studio snapshots

the flash had to be used as a rail

columbine and the photographer, fredrik are discussing the photos

lets get it on

Tuesday, 29 March 2011


h&m press office in stockholm. photo shoot tomorrow, me and columbine have been hunting down pr agencies and press offices all day. my feet hurts.
lindex press office fronted by the affordable luxury collection by ewa larsson.


pouches at lindex. i love the old scruffy look of the shelfs.

Monday, 28 March 2011

audrey sunnies

Picture 4

Picture 5

speaking of asos, i'm thinking of buying these, what do we think?

katie in reiss?

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doesn't the model in yellow look a bit like katie holmes? is it just me, no?

i really miss reiss which we don't have here in sweden. why? i don't know. the cut, fabrics and their silouette would really sell in stockholm i think. customer service at reiss is always on top too, maybe thats why, they can't find any nice people to work in the shops :) well, we're lucky enough that sell reiss and ships to sweden, for free.

i know, there's a lot of colouring going on here at the moment as with most bloggers i'm sure but the fact that i'm living, and i'm raised in a country where the sun doesn't rise for 6 months a year just basically have to do something with it. and it's not gonna stop. little rainbow me. <3

Sunday, 27 March 2011




wearing: coat, zara. jeans, topshop. silver jumper, h&m. sunnies, primark and bag vintage.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

nail varnish



just painted my nails. top coat is the shit! shine shine shine.



Picture 8

23 year old norwegian model ragnhild jevne in marie claire italia by elina kechicheva

Thursday, 24 March 2011

mellow yellow

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after all the bright colours for s/s 2011 i think this mellow yellow will feel fresh for the a/w. i also think people will really wear the one-colour-outfit by then after getting used to it just right now in the spring time. here by costume national and ennio capasa




about a year ago i tried this denim dress on, it was from the h&m fashion against aids collection and it's one of these items i kept wonder why i didn't buy, it was only £25 or something so it wasn't the price... damn it, denim is so nice for the summer. grr..

the fashion against aids collection for this year is really really good too. the silver clutch i took a snap shot on last week in the studio is from that collection. there are some great pieces and the whole collection is actually unisex which i find very interesting. i think they said it will be launched in april but i'm not 100 percent sure...

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


elizabeth taylor by richard avedon 1964


Annex - Taylor, Elizabeth (Cleopatra)_12


a characteristic and iconic lady have left us. dame elizabeth taylor died yesterday at the age of 79. we all know her for her role in films like "cleopatra" but liz was also dedicated to fight aids through the elizabeth taylor aids foundation. r i p beautiful!

Monday, 21 March 2011

a perfect morning



i had breakfast in bed this morning. still here, drinking tea and reading. today i love mondays.

i'm sorry...

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Picture 15

i'm sorry for the bad update over the weekend. i didn't get the job i wrote about a while ago and haven't had much inspiration. monday, i'm back! every time i've got a no i actually i end up getting a better job. i hope that's going to be the case this time too.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Thursday, 17 March 2011

yes please

Picture 1

i want this ladies coat badly!



i found me and my bag on this blog. ( scroll down to the end of the post) that's flattering. thank you! if you're interested in interior design and decorating, her other blog; white diamond sky, is great for inspiration!

now; off to a warehouse to hopefully buy some fabrics to a little project, if it's successful, i'll show you later on what it is.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

inspiration from københavn / copenhagen




classic "fishbone pattern" floors cut out in white vinyl.. really really nice!


bar / café


hansel & gretal house


Picture 2

hahaha, a swede must have written this note!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

the bag

someone asked me about my green bag and it's 10 years old and it recently had a little make over! it looked like this before. like an old ladies bag. i wanted it to be crossover chains...

so i cut the chains off and then took it out from the eyelets and then but it back togheter again...

he eyelets are quite horrible on this bag and i'm thinking they are not shown as much if i put ribbons in them..
i cut the edges off and on the very end i put a layer of nail varnish so there won't be any fringes.

voila! the fake fox tale is from h&m divided!

i've been looking for a green bag for ages and i thought until i find the perfect one this one will do.. It's a bit crazy. i'm thinking prada meet soinia rykiel. or something.