one thing is for sure.. being bored, bed bound, finding a/w news on every single online store and receiving the biggest pay check so far for 2011, is a risky combination.
after 10 days in bed i'm as bored as i've ever been. so i started to go through some old stuff today that i need to clear out. it seems like i like boxes. these are just a few of the ones i found.
i'm sorry for the shitty night flash but i literally took one shot and then my camera died.
i heard a guy this weekend saying chloe sevigny is "f###ing ugly". i get really surprised every time someone that i think is very beautiful, turns out to be ugly to someone else. chloe of all people. i can't believe it. i find her pretty,very charismatic and even sexy even though i'm a heterosexual woman.
some designer for knitwear at topshop apparently like céline very much. this is not just a little "inspired by" - it's a total rip off.
i haven't seen it on the website yet though. it wouldn't surprise me if this is just a press sample and that they won't dare the risk to produce it. sad for us who don't want to spend 800 quid on a top.
i don't buy marie claire a lot, but if i do, i buy the italian edition. this little story is with swedish model mona johannesson. photagraphed by david bellemre and styled by elisabetta massari.
i'm still sick and i'm getting really really bored now. last week i was wearing this: t-shirt, jacket and fake fox tale on my bag, h&m. shoes, topshop, shorts zara and bag louis vuitton.
the jacket is boxy and the material reminds me of a surfers suit, a bit stiff but soft.
i don't write a lot about make up because of the simple reasons, i don't wear a lot of it and i'm not very good at make up things. in general i use i.d bare minerals as a base and probably most of my eye make up is from ysl. my friend gave me this foundation a while ago and i'm actually very impressed. it really evens out your skin tone and you can't even see that you wear foundation, which is usually the reason i don't wear it.
i'm sorry, no outfits right now because there are not any outfits going on except my pj. i've had a cold since friday and i haven't left bed in two days now. booooooooooooooooooooooooooooored.
after the rodebjer show tuesday morning i had another busy day and got home realizing i've been up for 21h. so of course after this stressful last few days i got sick and have been in bed for two days. i'm actually not complaining, haha!
i've been on my feet all day and will probably not leave the office in a few hours. rodebjer's show for ss2012 is tomorrow morning and there is a billion things to do before that. wish i could show you some pictures but i can't until tomorrow after the show...
i have a cold and i really don't have time for that now, fashion week next week and rodebjer starts the whole thing... but i've been in bed all day which should help, right?
wearing: dress, h&m, shoes, zara (favorites) and bag, balenciaga.
haha, the look on my face when i was checking out the sartorialist and i saw someone that could have been my... wait a minute it is, my friend sam! i mean, i'm not surprised really, he's the most stylish man i've ever met. if you walked down brick lane with this guy and got a £1 for every time someone wants to take a picture of him, i can assure you, you would be a millionare at the end of the day.
as a scandinavian, the horrible things that happend in norway 10 days ago, has been a true shock. i've been so sad and upset mostly because i just can't understand how that can happend in norway, of all places. i've litterally never met anyone from norway that haven't been lovley. they are the kind, open and happy people of scandinavia.
i've experienced something today that made me realize that there are really people out there that make evil things happend. suddenly norway feels even closer then it has for the last 10 days. for 30 seconds this afternoon my heart beated 1000000 times and i was really really scared. afterwords, shoked. and now just empty and sad. disapointed.
i wish that there was love for everyone on this planet, that every little child could grow up to be a loving and open person. i'm gonna go to bed watching this beautiful picture and think about how to create more love and warmth to this could environment.