just very refreshing to see supersexy solange knowles proving sexy can be stylish wich means not showing up in fake tanned-bare legs-boobs out-minidresses at events, like some americans celebs do. also proving, unfortunatly still in 2011, to fashion people that yes, black women are as stylish as anyone else, they just dont get any credit for it.
why is the world still so damn rasist? it makes me angry. i'm reading a book i red when i was studying fashion history and it makes me so sad. one of my friends didnt get a job last week most probably because she's black. disgusting. makes my heart ache.
rugby is very big in argentina. it's a sport thats not really around in sweden and therefore the whole rugby lifestyle is new to me. well, i went to a sports club to support one of my cousins and it was like walking right into a tommy hilfiger or ralph lauren advert. the game is even on espn (!) yes, very proud little swedish cousin...
anyway, i didnt understand anything about rugby but thought the whole thing was very exciting, can tell from the last picture where i insist on taking a photo, (just clapped my hands before snapping a pic of excitement). my cousin is clearly not as thrilled as i am haha! come on, we dont have sportsmen in my country who fight for their team in mudd, blood (literally) sweat and tears.
by the way i'm just so very generous giving you a picture where i'm hang over, in lack of sleep and wear no make up! cheers!
i probably haven´t really updated you on what is there exactly im doing at the moment, workwise. well, i got the opportunity to join rodebjer as an intern but i only just started then went to ba shortly. i know, confusing.
anyway, i had my connecting flight in london and grabbed a vogue on the airport. was so happy to se supermodel frida gustavsson wearing the rodebjer poncho in a collage about ponchos. wicked.
i posted this two days ago and now it was gone when i checked it. well, here i am in london before i took off to buenos aires. so sorry for bad update. i cant bring my camera everywhere and internet isnt always working, thats why :( i´ll do my best.
wearing; top and trousers, h&m. small bag, zara. big bag, mulberry.
i had my connecting flight in london and had dinner with my london angel before i took off to buenos aires...
ba is absolutley smashing. its warm, good people, food, art and drinks. ive had brakfast at a piazza next to the recoleta in the sun every morning. people talk to you everywhere and its never quiet. im in heaven basically.
now im getting ready to go to a dinnerparty at 9. yeah, they eat late here!!!
so sorry about my bad update.. the thing is i cant bring my slr everywhere so i dont really have many photos to but up yet...
Aaaaaaargh! why can't this work? i've been trying to upload these pictures for ages now.. can't do it and i'm the last person to enter the aircraft now. hopefully i'll be back on here in london in a few hours but if not i'll see you in buenos aires lovers!
to the ones of you who liked hatty's fabulous acne dress in the first issue of "style by" might like the bag from topshop it's £28 and perfect to wear at all the festivals this summer!
also, to the ones of you who live outside sweden and can't get the magazine, there's a style by app in app store for iphone. i had the honour and great change to assist columbine ,style by's fashion editor, for some shoots for issue #1 and #2 and i hope i will have time to do it again in the future because it was truly exciting and i met some really inspiring people!
Monday, 2 May 2011
on sunday i'm off to south america. kristina c and grazia germany is my inspiration for this trip and covers my desktop at the moment.