first thing i noticed here was, of course, the hair colour on karen elson. but i really like this whole story photgraphed by peter lindbergh. i love the colours. that ice-cristpy-pale pink suit is just marvelous to her hair. clothing picked by, of course, grace coddingtone. very very beautiful.
haha the look on my face in this one, maybe you can't tell but it's quite windy and i don't like wind. you get your hair in your face and shit. also sorry about the lack of light in the picture. my camera has been acting very funny lately, which leads me into something i need help with, anyone who's got suggestions on a new camera? hit me.
i had to sort some stuff out before the weekend and passed by the acne archive store (totally forgot about it and always do. i've been there maybe once before) i spotted something across the shop floor, just one piece in that style and BAM, it was my size! bargain. 70%off. i'll show them on later because now i need to run...
while most people are enjoying the sunny weather i'm in here in my heavy knitted socks, drinking tea with honey and eating lemsips :) yum yum. i actually want the autumn to finally hit us. this is gonna be the best autumn, so much to look forward to!
one of the best nights in july, with the best company and the best jacket. i have probably worn this jacket every day this summer at some stage, which is weird consicering the weather conditions.
amazing johanna and klara söderberg (dressed in rodebjer) at the polar music prize. don't miss these girls when they go out on their us tour this autumn. i cried when i watched this. so did patti smith.