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to my swedish readers, if your in stockholm tomorrow or friday don't miss rodebjer's sample sale in the pop up store next to brunkebergstorg. bang on!
i'm exhausted! i feel like i look in this picture.. i am very much like a five year old about many things, for example playsuits. try it. have a laugh! anyway. i left my home at 7 this morning and just got back in now. thats how this whole week will be like. isn't it fantastic how some enviroments and workmates doesn't even make you think once "what the hell am i doing these crazy hours for?" i'm coming home (tired) but thinking; "fuck yeah!" good night beauties.

vogue germany may issue photographer: claudia knoepfel - stefan indlekofer model: jacquelyn jablonski i tried to make a pair of pants like these a few weeks ago in a beautiful silk fabric. i hope i can finish them soon. a few things went wrong so i will have to pull myself together and just finish the whole thing, damn it. why is that so difficult?
i'm spending easter with my family sister and brother and their family + friends in my parents cabin. it's 20°C and sunny. couldn't ask for more.
it is not until i see pictures like this i understand how long my hair has grown. i need a serious haircut! gandalf need his hair back.
jacket and pants: zara. shoes: vintage. bag: mulberry.
today i turn 25...
for about hundred times this years i have wanted to dye my hair red. seeing jo didn't really help did it.... fuckin beautiful!
jacket and pants: zara. sunnies: gina tricot. shoes: converse and bag, alexander wang.

these darlings are kind of cute and might come with me home from london next week.
hello lovers, i'm going back to london on sunday. just had a look at the weather and it's 21° and sunny things is going on. mmmmm. i need that! this picture is one year old. i can tell you what, i do feel like wearing shorts right now! is there anything going on in london that i can't miss? exhibitions, parties, new stores, restaurants, events? hit me!
i'm waiting for a phone call that can lead me in to something that i really really want to do, career-wise. i'm useless when it comes to waiting gaaah... it will probably not happend until tomorrow. i'm on hold until then.
remember i wrote that i wanted this ladies coat badly? i saw something just like it at rodebjer (below) yesterday. aaargh.. gotta have it! Lucky me, my birthday is coming up!

danielle scutt once did a collection for topshop and i bought a pair of jeans which i love. this time it's a jewellery collection. how cute are these earrings?! find them here for £40.